Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Recipe: Slow-Cooker Pot Roast

Brrrrr, it's actually feeling like winter down here in the South! Although it's not really that cold. If you can go outside with your 2 1/2 year old and neither of you is wearing a hat or gloves and you can't see your breath then it's not cold! But I do like the crispness of the air. This is our third winter living in Charlotte and we haven't experienced much of a winter season. It's nice for a change, although I'm not tired of my beautiful, sunny and 70 degree days yet!

One of the reasons I enjoy a winter day is there are so many wonderful recipes made with heavy, stick-to-your-ribs, warm you right up foods. Like this pot roast recipe I made the other day that is super simple and absolutely delicious. I'm never in the mood for this when it's T-shirt weather so I took advantage of what Mother Nature had to offer me and pulled out the slow-cooker.

This is from a blog called Kalyn's Kitchen. She's got a ton of great recipes posted. Taste this roast
 and you'll be searching her site for more great ideas! (If you don't have beef broth, use chicken broth instead. I actually think mine came out better with chicken because I used a low-sodium brand and it didn't taste as salty. Most beef broths are loaded with sodium.)

Tomorrow is my mom's last day visiting us. It's going to be a tough week or so at home so I'm hoping to keep my cravings and emotional eating in check. Hopefully knowing in advance that this will be difficult will help me stay the course!

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