Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Prep-ahead Meal #3

Chicken nuggets!!

This post is definitely for the kids, but these babies are awesome for kids of all sizes. I'm not talking the Tyson chicken nuggets that came from chickens kept in decrepit conditions or are full of nasty oils and fillers and preservatives. I'm talking about quick, super simple, homemade nuggets. I got this recipe from my gal the Whole New Mom. I've made them three times and make double batches to freeze. Music Man, Little Peanut, and Mama LOVE them. The Hubs eats them and says they are "good" which I take as a positive sign from him. Here's the recipe:

Easy Baked Chicken Nuggets

They really are tasty. And they have the awesome fat coconut oil in them so they pack an extra boost of healthy goodness. I've paired them with rice and a green vegetable, or sweet potatoes and cut up avocado. These have turned into a dish that the Music Man will eat on his own without negotiations. Not always, but I've seen it happen!

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