OK, so here's a topic I've been thinking about for quite some time. As much as I go on and on about the addictive nature of sugar and the physiological toll it takes on my body, I know deep down inside that there's a lot of emotional turmoil that sends me flying to the refrigerator to scarf down food.
I'm currently working through a workbook on dealing with overeating and binge eating and this week the theme is humility. Basically, accepting that we are flawed humans and learning how to deal with the ups and downs of life without reaching for the ice cream. There's actually a LOT more to it than that, but for the sake of this blog I'll only share some tangible stuff, like the "assignments" I'm working on.
I had to pick one aspect of my "food stuff" that I would like to change. As I've mentioned before, I have a habit of eating whenever my kids go down for a nap. I end up snacking so much that I'm eating a full meal and I know that I'm really not hungry. I'm supposed to take note of what I'm thinking and how I'm feeling when I attempt to not eat at this time. I probably won't share everything I experience (emotional eating is deep-rooted in some very personal stuff!) but I'll share any progress I do or don't make.
I'm finding all these detoxes to be too much on me at the time. I think I'm actually going to take a small break from them and try to focus a little more on what is going on inside myself and work on some personal growth. There I go getting all Oprah again! But it's all part of the journey...food is such a huge part of our bodies (physically, mentally, and emotionally) that many of us have a long road ahead of us before we figure it all out.
1 comment:
What workbook are you going through? It sounds interesting and helpful!
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