Not yet, but I can feel it. Time to regroup! I really have to figure out a different stress buster than food. I knew this would be difficult but I'm not giving up. Life throws challenges at you for a reason and I'm going to figure out what lesson I need to learn or experience I need to have to gain some fresh perspective on myself.
Luckily for me, I still have my in-laws here through the week so regrouping will be a little easier. I'm going to make a grocery list and make sure I have a lot of options to snack on and get back on track. I'm also going to try my best to get quality rest the next couple of nights and take some time to look into short work-outs and stretches.
I don't know about you, but when I'm feeling overwhelmed and anxious I literally feel like I'm on edge. My body is shaky, my head is cloudy and the energy inside of me feels like it's going to explode. Back when I ran, this was the perfect time to head outside and run out the energy. I do well when I can physically exhaust myself. Problem is, I can't really run anymore because of my knee, and I also can't hit the pavement when I have two kids in the house to watch. So instead, I binge on food. And I realize both activities (running and eating), are really just ways for me to distract myself from dealing with the real issues. It's me seeking comfort and love. It's me not being able to wrap my brain around what's stressing me out and getting freaked out that I can't solve my problems with the flip of a switch.
I've been snacking a bit on food and eating more fruit than I should. I'm going to close the refrigerator door and instead lay on my couch and take some long deep breaths. Try to get a little perspective on what is at the root of my stress and go from there. I'm so happy that I am recognizing this and not throwing all this hard work out the window.
And the plan is to get back on track with nutritional information and recipes as well. But today this blog is my venting tool and I'm proud that I remembered to use it to ground me!
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