Yup, you read that right. The words "favorite" and "fat" are purposely put next to each other! I know that all of us children of the 80s were brought up in a world where fat was the devil and the root of all health problems known to man. Hopefully, you've been aware of the growing literature out there that is debunking all these theories and basically showing how when we started taking the fat out of everyone's diet, we all started getting fat!
If not, you can read it here some day! I want to get all my thoughts out on that topic but I've got to sift through a lot of what I've read to write something nice and succinct. Again, this is a blog in progress and right now I don't have too much time to do my research. Especially when my baby girl is teething and going through a growth spurt and is waking me up at nights and starting my days around 5:30. I really hate teething. I always tells new moms that people warn you about the sleepless nights, they warn you about the crying baby you have to figure out how to soothe, but they don't tell you jack about how much teething is going to impact your life!! And there are sooooooo many teeth. And it sometimes takes weeks for one to make its way out. The worst. But I digress.
My favorite fat in the world is coconut oil. First off, you can cook with it and you can use it on your body. I love products that have dual purpose function! I remember when I was first introduced to coconut oil years ago the big pitch was how it had a high heating point, and thus didn't break down like other oils when you cooked with it. Olive oil has a low heating point and actually can become rancid if cooked under too high a flame. This was a good reason to use it, but then I learned about all the health benefits and I was sold for life.
Here are just some of the ways coconut oil can improve your health:
It's anti fungal: Not only does this mean it can help with topical issues (yeast or any other type of fungal infection) but it actually helps fight against candida in your body. Candida is a fancy word for yeast. Many people have an overgrowth of yeast in their bodies (yours truly included!) that can be catastrophic to their health (fatigue, choric pain, sinus issues, depression, mood swings, and digestive disorders just to name a few). In studies they actually found that coconut oil can help fight the Candida species.
It's anti-inflammatory: Coconut oil can be used on cuts or even burns. It can also help in lowering a fever.
It's a sunscreen: Coconut oil has actually been proven to block some UV rays. My old chiropractor up in NJ (who first introduced me to coconut oil) said how the people living in the Philippines, and other island countries where coconuts are bountiful, would just spread some coconut on their bodies to protect themselves from the sun. They also ingested so much coconut that their bodies literally built a skin that was less sensitive to the rays and didn't need to put anything on to prevent burns. I've read that some parents who feed their kids a lot of coconut oil notice they really don't need much sunblock to protect them from the sun.
Honestly, the list goes on and on (and on and on and on). Here are two links that will give a lot more information and places you can use coconut oil in your daily life.
13 Evidence-Based Medicinal Properties of Coconut Oil
101 Uses for Coconut Oil
How do I use coconut oil?
Well, first and foremost, I cook with it. I use it for everything. Yes, there is a slight coconut flavor added to the food but overtime that flavor fades and it really isn't too strong. The Hubs cannot tell the difference when I cook with olive oil and coconut oil most times.
I pour it in my kids bathtubs (especially in the winter) to help moisturize their skin.
I used it when my Little Peanut got cradle cap. I massaged it into her scalp, let it drive for 10 minutes, and then used a comb to take it off.
I used it on my nipples when I got thrush during the first few months of nursing my daughter. Sorry if this is TMI, but this is the direction this blog will go sometimes!
Where do you find it?
You can find it at a Whole Foods or whatever health food store is in your area. You can order it online too. I have always just bought whatever brand is on sale that is raw and organic. But I am thinking of joining the Amazon Spend and Save program and using Tropical Traditions - a trusted source amongst health enthusiasts. I can buy it in bulk and save money. The more I am diving into this nutrition pool, the more I think I'll be using coconut oil.
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