As I embark on this second month of sugar-free and gluten-free eating, I'm going to set some goals for myself. One challenge to being a stay-at-home mom is creating some sort of order and purpose to your day to day existence. May sound a little dramatic with words like "purpose" and "existence" but if you've ever done this before, you can relate. It's easy to drown yourself in a world of diapers, nap schedules, temper tantrums, and play dates. Then add to that list the tasks of laundry, cooking, and cleaning and your entire life becomes on blur of mommyhood. I understand that this is normal and the way it's going to be for awhile. I do accept that, but now that my little one is almost 9 months old and sleeping pretty well at night I do find there is some space freeing up in my brain to focus on something other than nursing and getting the stains out of my son's shirts. Not MUCH time, but a little.
So with this time, I can't do much because I can't really physically be anywhere or be a reliable person for anyone other than my kids. But, I do have access to my kitchen, the grocery store, the library and the internet. That's all I need to get cracking on this year of healthy living and self improvement!
I'm breaking my goals into 3 categories:
1) Goals for my sugar-free/gluten-free year
2) Goals for my blog
3) Self improvement goals
This month I just want to keep trying to get through each day eating sugar and gluten free. It's still early, so this is enough. The only difference this month is that I'm letting myself have some fruit and dairy. I'm going to do fruit first for a week or so, and then add the dairy. That way if a food makes me feel a little strange I can pinpoint who the culprit is. I'm going to continue to try and meal plan every week and work to make sure there is always something readily available for when I get hungry.
I'm trying to be more organized with the blog. Having topics for set days, trying to sit down at naptime to start blogs and finish them up when I go to bed. I also want to start putting some actual information in here regarding nutrition. I'd like to get one fact-based post a week. I know they will take more time since I'll have to sift through everything I've learned over the past few years and write a little more efficiently (I have a feeling my rambles could go on for pages and pages). But eventually I want to start a health coaching business and I want a place where I can easily access a lot of the information I learned from my online program and from my own research. And I've got a ton of books on hold at the public library about some of the newer theories and ideas out there about food. It's time to dust off the cobwebs and get this brain thinking critically again!
I'm pretty busy between being a mom, writing this blog, and taking care of the kids and house. There isn't a lot of time for myself. So this month, I'm rolling one of my jobs into my self-improvement goal. Parents have to feed their kids. And my son has proven to be quite challenging this past year. He will be 3 in May and the Hubs and I have decided that we are done being short-ordered chefs and jumping through hoops to feed him. And I am sick of giving him food that I know isn't giving his body the nutrients it needs. This month starts the long and grueling task of getting him to eat real food. We are serving him what we are eating, and if he doesn't have it, then he goes to bed hungry. This is going to be brutal. But we have decided it's a necessary step for a brighter future for all of us. He has barely eaten a thing today and will most likely not eat for a few days. Then I'll have a hungry and cranky toddler on my hands. Should be interesting....
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