Monday, March 18, 2013

Reason #6 for a Whole Foods Diet: I LOVE FOOD!!

I realize I missed last week's Monday post about why I am doing this. And I'm going to change the "this" from sugar-free year to eating a whole food diet. And by this I mean, eating REAL food. Trying to eat very little processed food, cooking most of my food, and staying away from refined sugars, gluten and nasty vegetable oils.

When I tell people that I am cutting out processed foods from my diet (and sugar, which most read as - dessert) I am shocked when people say they couldn't do this because they "like food too much." I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that stuff you are eating is not food. I don't want to come across as preachy, because I think everyone has the right to put whatever they want into their mouth. I just ask that you don't fool yourself into thinking it is food. Like I have written before, if it can sit on a shelf for months (or years) at a time, it isn't food. If it is neon green or hot pink or turquoise, it most likely isn't food.

I love food. Love, love, love it. I think it's safe to assume that we all do since we need it to survive. I haven't met anyone who doesn't have foods that make them happy, or favorite foods, or doesn't comment on the smells of a kitchen with dishes warming in the oven.

But when you start eating real food, and getting your taste buds back in order after years of tricking them with artificially flavored things, you will fall in love with food all over again. I know I did. And to my surprise, I love making food. I love turning something simple, like a zucchini, into a delicious pancake with onions, garlic and seasonings. Or plain oats into a warm porridge with spices and fats to make a stick to your ribs type of breakfast.

Something I need to work on is just how much I'm loving my food. While I do believe a lot of my false hunger and cravings is due to the sugar going through my body, I also do admit that I have formed some pretty bad habits. Habits that are incredibly difficult for my to break. Three habits that I need to work on over the next few months are:

1) Eating my kids' food. I've said it before and I'll say it again, it's tough not to pick at left-overs on a tray. Or the few spoonfuls of something still sitting in my frying pan that they don't want to eat. Even though it's good food, too much food is not good for you. And since I'm not training for a half marathon or doing three sessions of yoga a week or entering a gym anytime this year I have to be more conscious of the amount of food I am eating. And I found even when I was feeling good with the absence of sugar a month ago, I was still eating my kids food because it was there and it looked good.

2) Eating while I cook. Similar issue. The food is there and I want to eat it. There's no need to "taste" to make sure a dish is good when I have made it 20 times before. I basically eat an entire mini-dinner while I am preparing it and then sit down to regular portion just 30 minutes later.

3) Snacking. Especially in front of the TV. Especially during nap time. I feel like a broken record writing this one. But it has been an issue since my son was born.

I don't have a game plan yet but I know there has to be a way to curb these habits. Because going off of sugar wasn't solving them.

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