Saturday, April 27, 2013


Well I certainly took a long time away from the blog! I have to say, even though I'm almost three years into it, parenthood still kicks my butt on a daily basis. And every time I feel as though I am getting into a routine, it gets swept out from under me in a flash. These past two weeks I have had some house guests and have taken a trip to see family with the kids. Just these two long weekends have totally wiped all of my energy and I feel so far behind in absolutely everything. My house has exploded (more so than usual, despite what the Hubs says "It always looks a mess...."), I am scrambling to get back into a cooking routine, and my motivation to get anything done (blogging, researching new recipes, preparing for the kids' birthday party) is impossible to find.

I find keeping on top of meals for four people, as well as those who come to stay with us, is an absolutely exhausting task at times. Probably because eating never takes a vacation. It isn't as though my kids don't need meals on weekends or I can just have them skip lunch. It isn't like I walk into my kitchen after not being here for five days and the dinners sometimes decide to prepare themselves. It's three meals a day, every single day. And committing to making the majority of our food is something that I am proud of, but also something that becomes a really big thorn in my side.

I'm desperately trying to organize myself and somehow get into a routine, but these pesky kids keep tripping me up. My son is potty training right now so that is taking up a lot of our energy. My daughter just stopped nursing so now we are getting into the routine of bottles and figuring out when to give them to her and how warm she likes them (my not even 1 year old is beyond opinionated...I'm already dreading the teenage years with her). Naps and morning wake-up times are inconsistent, my husband's work schedule is inconsistent, and I have a difficult time trying to keep up with it all.

So right now it's a tough period. I feel like I'm running out of ideas for the kids when it comes to food. They seem bored and tired of the same old, same old. My energy is super low and my patience razor thin. I beat myself up daily for not blogging or responding to peoples' comments (thank you for them by the way!). I haven't been able to go through any more of my workbook on emotional eating. Just a big, fat BLAH in my day to day life right now.

BUT, I will get through this like I always do. I'm going to try super hard to get back into the blog this week. And I'm going to try to take everything one day at a time. Right now my sixth load of laundry is going and the house is only about 80% disastrous. I'm about to go look through some of my favorite Paleo blogs for inspiration for the kids. Just gotta jump back on the horse!

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