Monday, April 8, 2013

These kids are killing me!

Ugh, doing this detox while taking care of my kids is getting to me. And by getting to me, I mean that I cheated! Sad but true. It's so tough to have all of this fruit around for them and these muffins that I've sweetened with ripened bananas and honey. So this weekend I indulged a little. But the really good news is that for once I'm not beating myself up about it, and I'm moving forward with the detox instead of quitting and binging on anything in site. That's what I would have done before. But I'm trying to diffuse this perfection monster that always rears its ugly head when I'm trying to accomplish something.

What helped was one of the support emails sent out to the detox group this morning. It's Day 8 and Diane encouraged us to keep going forward even if we had a slip-up. "Slip-ups" used to not be in my dictionary. It was all or nothing baby! You can't say you did a detox if you even consumed 1 gram of sugar! Well, that chick has been suffering with sugar addiction and emotional eating for years so maybe it's time for a new mindset. A calmer, more compassionate mindset that doesn't collapse when plans don't match an exact blueprint. I enjoy this way of thinking a lot more and its the one I want to model for my kids.

But still, they are killing me. It's so much easier to go through this when you really can clear out your house of anything tempting. And it's easier when you don't have much stress in your life and aren't exhausted trying to chase your now mobile and curious Peanut and breathe your way through the Music Man's latest blow-up. My favorite is when he loses his mind over something HE suggested.

MM: Want water.
Me: Water? Ok, I'll get you some water.
Me: Ok, I'll just put it on the counter and you can have it when you want it.

10 seconds pass...

MM: Water please.

And the day is like that for 13 hours....

But it's Monday, a new week and it is beautiful here in Charlotte. Spring has finally arrived and I'm off to the grocery store to load up on vegetables for the week. I've done a fair amount of cooking in preparation for this week so all of my proteins are ready.

Even if I stumble through these 21 days I'm still going to be happy I did it. I'm still working on my emotional bond with food and I think having a little more patience and compassion with myself will only help that.

1 comment:

mom said...

Just spent some time reviewing your blogs. Between my time spent with you and all the goings on here, I've been negligent! Love your writing especially the parts about going easier on yourself. Hope your week goes well! xooxx