Monday, April 1, 2013

Paleo - Day 1!

Day 1 of the detox and I've got a lot of groundwork to do. My mom's in town so hopefully I can get a lot of cooking done these next few days. I also keep noticing improvements in my Music Man on his grain-free/dairy-free diet and I've got to get cracking on some kid friendly Paleo options for him.

Here's what I'm working on for breakfast options for the kids:

Zucchini pancakes
Green eggs
Sweet Potato Pancakes
Pumpkin Breakfast Cookies

I'll share the recipes I can as I work through them.

Most of my dinners this week are based on the new cookbook I just ordered: Everyday Paleo Family Cookbook . Tonight I'm planning on making a salmon and sweet potato cake with an apple rosemary dipping sauce, broccoli and a green salad.

This 21-day sugar detox is very similar to what I've been trying to do before, but no grains. My diet will be mostly meat and veggies. No beans, lentils, rice, quinoa, or millet anymore. I can eat green apples and underripe bananas. It's not because they are low on the glycemic index or anything, it's because they aren't that sweet. That's one of the reasons this particular sugar detox spoke to me, because they recognize that some people can't handle fruit that well. I was listening to a podcast and Diane Sanfilippo was explaining why fruit that is actually low in sugar content (like berries) aren't on the list. She said something like, "I know some people that can do a number on a pint of blueberries." Um, yes! That would be me.

I think today I'll feel Ok and hopefully the detox symptoms won't be as strong as they have been in the past since I really have been eating pretty clean these past three months. I just slipped a little last week and this weekend. I've got to drink tons of water and try to get outside a bit to help with the stress I'm going to be putting on my body. I've got high hopes for this plan so we'll see!


Kristen @ Change of Pace said...

Can't wait to see your journey through the 21DSD! So glad I found your blog. I'm doing the Whole30 this month :)

Brooke said...

Thanks Kristen! Always happy to find other people who passionate about delicious, healthy food:) Good luck with the Whole30, feel free to share any tips!