Thursday, January 10, 2013

Recipe: Easy Crockpot Lentil Chili

So many people ask me how I find the time to cook so often. I understand that not everyone is a stay at home mom with constant access to his or her kitchen. However, for those of you that are stay at home moms, you know that even though we are "home" it doesn't mean we have unlimited time and two free hands to always put together a meal every day with no hassle!

Enter the crock pot. The kitchen tool that is always hyped up by mothers all across the world, and with good reason! But how many people own a crock pot that collects a lot of dust? I bet a lot of you do, mine used to before I started eating a mostly whole foods diet. And a myth about the crock pot is that you merely have to dump food into it and it makes you a meal. Yes, you can describe it that way, but it gives people new to the kitchen the false sense that it magically just prepares a meal with literally NO effort. Like any meal, even a crock pot meal requires a little planning. And a little preparation. What the crock pot takes away is the actual cooking of the meal. And for this, I love it!

Right now I've got something cooking away in the crock pot. This one took me about 20-25 minutes from start to finish to assemble and get in there. I dropped my son at preschool, came home and put my daughter down for a nap and used the first 30 of that 90 minutes of freedom to get dinner cooking away and pots cleaned up. Most of the time was spent cutting up some vegetables. I may start doing that at night to make assembly even quicker. Here's what I'm smelling right now as I type this:

Recipe is from the blog Jeanette's Healthy Living. She calls it her Easy Crockpot Lentil Chili. I haven't tasted it yet so I'll report how it goes tomorrow. The hubs will probably not be thrilled because it's vegetarian but sometimes I can sneak in an occasional meatless meal without too much complaining from him.

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