Sunday, January 27, 2013

Stir-fry Recipe #1

I tried a new recipe tonight and it was a winner. Simple ingredients, can do some prep work ahead of time, and very simple to cook. This earns it a spot in my 20 recipes, under the stir-fry category.

It's from my new favorite blogger, the Wellness Mama: Chicken and Squash Vegetable Stir-fry

I only used one onion instead of two because the mountain of vegetables on my cutting board didn't seem like it would make it into the wok. I stuck to the spices she listed at the bottom, but next time I may add a little curry. I like that you can change the spices a bit to add some variety.

Today was a strange day because it kept feeling like a Saturday since the Hubs arrived last night from a business trip. But alas, it's Sunday, and the work week starts as soon as it ended. I am hopping my kiddos can ditch these colds they have so we can have some playdates. And I hope my little peanut stops waking up at 5:30. We shall see!

I've almost completed one month of my sugar-free year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this blog. I want to learn on how to cook a stir fry recipe and I'm sure that you will help me on it. I will visit your blog again to check more updates regarding this recipe.

Recipe for Stir Fry Sauce