Thursday, February 28, 2013

Two Months Done!


Yikes, this is a tough, tough week. I am feeling really overwhelmed in my life (nothing major, just a lot of little things piling up) and I'm turning to food. I've got to get on some sort of a food schedule, and I've got to put the clamps down when it comes to snacking on my kids' food.

But, I have made it two months with only bingeing on fruit. So I have to give myself credit for that. And I did get a blog or two written with a little content in it. So hooray for that!

My goals for this month:

1) Try and get a little exercise in the routine.
2) Figure out some coping mechanisms for my stress that aren't food reliant.
3) Write 3-4 blogs about some nutrition content.
4) Incorporate some more green drinks and tea into my diet.

This month is a turning point. I'm going to be optimistic and say this is the month that I make some real headway when it comes to my emotional eating. We'll see how it goes..

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